PERSO N A L T O U C H ES Set the worn farm house
table, pull up th e m ism atched chairs, then pull out
your oversized
w ards off fall’s c
apa bear” bowls— keeping it casual
i. Help guests track their drinks with snips of different color felted wool or yarn tied
around the base of each glass.
A cheese plate of fruit and honey is an easy self-serve appetizer. White cheddar or Gorgonzola are tasty options.
Make homey recipe tags with leftover paper and felted wool or yarn.
Let your guests truly share in the meal: Ask everyone to bring a
favorite pie for dessert.
When double-washed in the washing machine, craft-store felt takes on a cozy goodness—perfect used as rustic table
runners; see
page 226
for details. 6. Candlelight makes any meal special. Held upright by whole spices, these candles glowing in glass tumblers
add a spicy sweetness to the room.
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